New Beginnings


New Beginnings at Circle T Ranch is a non-profit organization formed with a mission to improve the quality of life for people who suffer from PTSD, depression, addiction, and other psychological conditions. Participants of our program interact with horses in a safe, peaceful environment in ways that can help reduce stress, teach productive coping mechanisms, and facilitate solutions to real-life struggles. Participants will work with a certified Equine Specialist to guide you through a safe, positive experience with our horses.

The Horse Is The Key!

Horses have a unique way of making humans feel peaceful and calm. Their herd animal characteristics enable them to be:

  • Non-judgmental

  • Unbiased

  • Sensitive

  • Perceptive

The Connection

There is significant evidence of horses having a calming and healing effect on humans. Research suggests that activities and therapies involving interactions with horses can reduce symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and many other psychological conditions.  Interactions with horses can improve the quality of life for people who are suffering. Our program aims to provide equine-therapeutic interventions to heal trauma, provide wellness, and provide positive coping strategies.


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Make A Donation

To make a donation please go to the New Beginnings website